The wedding was lots of fun, and the photos Chris and Natalie wanted their photos to reflect the activities they enjoy doing. Fishing, reading, and playing basketball were all covered in their pre-wedding photos (really, I can hardly wait to show you). The wedding and reception were also very "them." From the prioritization of the gospel during the ceremony to the pinatas at the reception, it was a very good representation of who they are.
Overall, I think the day went very well, despite the weather being very hot and windy. I felt as confident and prepared as I could have been. There were a few small mistakes I made, though, which I will list
1. Let me get this off my conscience first of all. While shooting outdoors with the whole wedding party, we made the transition from bright sunlight to a shady patch. I had the exposure compensation set a few stops lower due to the bright light, but I forgot to change it after we got to the shade. Luckily, after firing off maybe 20 posed group shots without bothering to check the LCD (duh) I noticed that a) my shots were embarrassingly underexposed, and b) one guy still had his sunglasses on. (Another duh.) So I did what any good photographer would do, and said, "Hey still have your glasses on...sorry, we gotta do a few more." Groanings commenced all around, directed at the (supposedly) guilty party. No one suspected my technological lapse. Sorry, Jordan! :)
2. I locked the master list of family poses in my car. With my keys. Thankfully, Natalie and I had gone over the list only hours before, and so we had a good idea of who was supposed to be in the photos. I don't think we missed any, actually. (Justin was set to show up later, and he had a spare key, but we obviously didn't have time to wait.)
3. I got distracted shooting the bridal party lineup at the very beginning of the ceremony, and neglected to realize the groom had already walked one of his grandmothers down the aisle unphotographed. The music did not change and so I had no auditory cue for when the program began. That is just an excuse, so really, it's no excuse.
As far as I know, those are the only real mistakes I made. Would I have done a few things differently? Possibly. I always have with lots of fun posing ideas that I seem to forget as soon as there's a camera on my face. But there were no horrific disasters. Hooray for first solo weddings!
Here are some things I am glad I did.
1. Had extra batteries along, as well as a car charger for them. My flash fired more often than usual, and drained the battery more quickly than I was used to. I just popped the old one into the charger in my car. Eventually I will get a couple more batteries so I don't have to worry about charging throughout the day. I had 2 batteries and I used each one twice (more or less...I didn't actually DRAIN them but replaced them when it got to 1/3 power.)
2. Drove by all the areas ahead of time AND the day-of. This helped get an idea of lighting issues, where other people might be in the way (at parks and such this is always a problem), ideas of where to put the wedding party, even timing the drive.
3. Probably the biggest thing: although we were on a very specific time schedule, I was very careful not to rush the photo process too much. This required a bit of a shift in priority for me. Instead of taking 10 shots of each pose and hoping one would turn out (okay, so I don't normally do it quite that badly), I carefully checked each group of images as I began shooting them (except the one time mentioned above), taking those few extra seconds to really look at the image and see if it needed any changes. I also tried not to be afraid to rearrange people in the (very large) family setups. At first, I was afraid they'd think I was being a bad photographer. Doesn't she know how to do this? No, thanks for asking. But then...I realized that is more like a good photographer. You want to get it right, more than worrying about what people think. I'm sure some of these things will come more naturally as I gain more experience. But it felt good to be thorough the first time around. The bride and groom seemed to appreciate it, too (as did I when I was the bride).
That's it. I will definitely have photos coming in a few weeks. I am DYING to show you more, but in all fairness, I guess the bride and groom should be able to see their photos first. Right? :)